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28 January 2021 - 9 February 2021
Platform for the DutchPhotonicsEvent - Webinars and matchmaking

Photonics is worldwide being recognized as a Key Enabling Technologies of the 21st century. This technology offers a range of possibilities in numerous markets because it is more reliable, smaller, safer and faster. At the DutchPhotonicsEvent you will meet the creators, developers and (end) users of photonics based applications, instruments, machines and services.

The DutchPhotonicsEvent is the annual meeting point for the photonics community in the Netherlands, Benelux and Germany.

During the webinars we focus on research and use of photonics in (end) markets such as Agriculture, Food, Healthcare, Lifescience, Automotive and Artificial Intelligence & Deep learning. It is a good opportunity to get acquainted with the technology and the companies that can support you in your development.

For more information see:

Website DutchPhotonicsEvent.

Website PhotonicsNL.

Closed since 11 February 2021
Organised by
Participants 27
Meetings 20
Netherlands 27
Spain 1
Denmark 1
France 1
India 1
Total 31
Profile views
Before event 229
After event 2
Total 231